Kay Olsen

Creating art from flowers so they last longer than a week in a vase.

After lockdown in 2020, Kay and her Husband moved from the city to a lifestyle block near Waimauku/Helensville to live a more sustainable life.
Kay transformed part of the property from a muddy paddock into a wildflower patch to add colour, and attract pollinators..

Wanting to keep the beautiful bright blooms longer than a week in a vase Kay started experimenting with pressing and drying the flowers.

Using the flowers and other botanicals from her garden or found locally, Kay now creates her art in a studio barn on the property.

Starting with one small flower press to make frames for family and friends, there are now numerous presses ensuring a constant supply of flowers to create the artwork.

Kay attends markets and lifestyle events in Auckland as well as selling through Instagram @wayswithwildflowers.

Moving to the lifestyle block has rekindled energy and passion for flowers and a creative path that has been lying dormant for many years.